Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A New Beginning

A change of my e-mil address also caused a recreation of my blog from Pat Spain to Pat Spain's Blog.
I was busy last year and didn't find time to blog but intend to post more often now.  I attended the Central Texas Art Doll Sculptors annual retreat in April, 2010 and 2011.  I'll be posting those photos soon.  I did several commissions last year.  Emme, a sculpture, to celebrate her first birthday and two sculptures of Champion English Pointer Dogs that belong to my niece and nephew.  Along the way I did a number of three dimensional needle felted animals, one of which, a camel with rider.  I entered it into a competition, sadly he didn't win a prize.  I created a unique pattern for a bead weaving necklace and sold or gave several away.   My son got married last February and I sculpted a cake topper from the wedding. You can see that I have many photos to post.

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