Sunday, May 29, 2011

Gourd Society Show in Kerrville

I spend Saturday in Kerrville.  I attended the Gourd Society Show, The State of Texas Arts and Craft show and the Masters Show at the YO Motel.  Below are several of the Gourds.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

still painting the gourd

Colored pencil art is new to me and I'm struggling along hoping for a good outcome.  We'll see.

I thought it would be fun to post photos of the Pixi vase I made at the class Joyce taught us as a trial run for her official class in Dallas.  Joyce is so talented and her figures are the cutest things I've ever seen and I would love to be able to do something a fraction as cute,

Monday, May 16, 2011

a new week

I made it through another week, going to the gym each day at 6:30 am.  Man, I hate to get up early but I sure feel good after I get the exercise out of the way.  This week I'm going to concentrate on painting colored pencils on a gourd.  CTADS retreat project was making gourd dolls and I have two, I need to finish the hands on one and then they will be ready for photos.
This photo is the gourd I'm repairing to paint.  I've drawn several wildflowers, (bluebonnets, winecups, indian blanket and paint brush and mexican hat).  Now I have to decide how to transfer them to the gourd

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

new beadweaving project

This is a pattern I created last year.  I made a number necklaces and earrings and wear them with everything.  I decided I wanted a bracelet to match one set and gathered
the beads and string to make it and I had forgotten how to do it.  Of course I didn't write clear directions to myself on the steps to takes so I had to recreate the pattern.  This time I did write the steps down so hopefully I can continue in my efforts to make more.  Following are photos of some of the finished ones.

Monday, May 9, 2011

35 for the second time

Mother's Day thank you

I'd like to thank my children for a wonderful Mother's Day lunch.  They took us to Razoos in Round Rock and I loved my stuffed shrimp dish.  It was a delight to be able to share the occasion with Tammy's family, the Wilsons.  I'm looking forward to next year. 

Love Mom

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bottles Of Hope

As a cancer survivor I was delighted to participate with the Austin Polymer Clay Guild to create "bottles of hope" to be given to cancer patients.

Wedding Cake Topper

A New Beginning

A change of my e-mil address also caused a recreation of my blog from Pat Spain to Pat Spain's Blog.
I was busy last year and didn't find time to blog but intend to post more often now.  I attended the Central Texas Art Doll Sculptors annual retreat in April, 2010 and 2011.  I'll be posting those photos soon.  I did several commissions last year.  Emme, a sculpture, to celebrate her first birthday and two sculptures of Champion English Pointer Dogs that belong to my niece and nephew.  Along the way I did a number of three dimensional needle felted animals, one of which, a camel with rider.  I entered it into a competition, sadly he didn't win a prize.  I created a unique pattern for a bead weaving necklace and sold or gave several away.   My son got married last February and I sculpted a cake topper from the wedding. You can see that I have many photos to post.